Copyright and rights related to copyright together belong to the field of intellectual property. Intellectual property is subject to legal protection and its use is subject to the author's consent. Infringement of intellectual property rights most often occurs when someone uses these intangible assets without the consent of the author or the owner of the intellectual property. Infringement can lead to infringement proceedings, civil court proceedings or criminal prosecution.
We have also been asked to provide legal assistance in protecting the name of Petra Polnisova, a Slovak actress and producer who contacted us for help in dealing with the misuse and unauthorised use of her name for unfair activities on the internet..

We thank our client for her trust and positive feedback and our attorney Marianna Ridzoňová for her legal assistance.
"I'm laughing so hard because I have the best lawyer in the world 💫🙏 @marianna_ridzonova. Thank you for the perfect legal service WISE3."

Nowadays, we are more and more frequently encountering unjustified interference with intellectual property rights and it is therefore in everyone's interest to know what legal means they can use to obtain adequate protection.
If you too have been the target of misuse of your name, trademark, brand or technology, please do not hesitate to contact us. We offer advice on all of these matters to help you protect your creative efforts and ensure the proper use and protection of your copyright.We will also advise you on the most effective way to defend yourself against an infringer.